I've been a professional photographer for 33-years. Until the digital world began keeping images was an exercise in buying filing cabinets to store the endless plastic sheet to hold originals. Being naturally disorganized I always seemed to have pictures everywhere and could never find what I wanted when I wanted but at least it was a physical product that I could put my hands on and know it existed.
Then digital photography swept in and made life easier and harder all at once. Now I have hundreds of thousands of digital images stuffed into all sorts of hard drives, dvd disks, even old zip disks going back years. Similar to my old filing cabinets but more costly! In my studio alone I have 6 raid arrays with more than 24 hard drives humming away, sucking up electricity and threatening to stop working at any moment. As you can imagine I spend a lot of money on hard drives and electricity.
The other day we had a brand new raid array go down and stop working. We didn't lose the images but one of the hard drives had to be replaced and it was a hassle spending my time as an IT tech instead as a photographer. So I began looking into cloud back up to make sure we don't lose anything and to stop relying on buying hard drives as my source of archive security. I looked at all the services out there: amazon, dropbox, carbonite, idrive, pogoplug, google drive, crashplan, mozy, backblaze and a few others. What I needed was convenience, unlimited capacity, mac application and a great price (cheap). Of course I can't forget that I want a company that will be around for the next few years. I read a lot of online reviews and narrowed it down to two contenders: Crashplan and Blackblaze. Both offer incredible pricing, great implementation and seem like solid companies.
In the end I went with Backblaze. Now I'm flying in the cloud and all those arrays are backed up and ready for the next crash!
My photos are now somewhere in here!